Thursday, April 6, 2023

Tathra to Kiama

An easy day. More winding roads through several national parks and forests and the coast was always near. We passed through lovely country towns and dairy farms. No big box stores for the most part which just adds to the charm of country life. We stopped in the town of Batemans Bay for more seafood by the water. We were happy to be going north as the holiday traffic going south for the Easter weekend was backed up for miles. We arrived in Kiama (thanks again, Sean, for the recommendation) in time for a long walk by the shore and the local athletic fields. It was fun to watch the kids practice various sports while sharing the fields with flocks of cockatoos. Next stop: Wangi Wangi. Driving time: 4 hours  Mileage: 203 miles 

1 comment:

  1. Your adventures look so exciting! Love reading these and seeing that beautiful country!
    Also seeing your progress on the map 😊♥️
